One of my passions in life other than hair is doing aura and chakra healing. I started doing this in 2015, when I took my first energy healing class at the Metaphysical Learning Center. I think it is important to get aura and chakra healings regularly to keep your personal space clear from energy that isn't yours. Stuck energy in your space can lead to a feeling of discomfort and even disease and illness. 

When I give an aura and chakra healing, the recipient sits in a chair and I work in the space around them; moving energy out of their space and realigning their own energies. It is important during this time for the recipient to not cross their hands or legs and keep their eyes open. This can block vital energy, cut off spirit-to-spirit communication and hinder the healing. 

My favorite part about energy healing is that I have been able to incorporate it into my hair services. While I manipulate your hair during cutting, coloring, or styling, I am also able to adjust your energy leaving you feeling relaxed and refreshed. This is one part of the hair balancing method that I use.

The Metaphysical Learning Center has a healing clinic that is open to the public every Wednesday evening from 5:00-7:00 where I regularly do healings. Come in for a healing and clear your space! There is a suggested $5 donation. You can also check out their class schedule and become a healer yourself!

I also now offer at home energy healings! This is a chance to clear unwanted energy from your space and home while setting the energy how you want it. This can be especially beneficial if you feel like you have an unwanted spirit in your home.