Over the years, I have noticed that there is a huge stigma surrounding graying hair. We have been programmed by society to think gray or silver hair is not only a sign of aging, but also a lack of caring. Gray hair can be beautiful, chic, stylish, and modern! Like a snowflake, no two people have the same gray hair which makes it totally unique. 

One of the trademarked services I offer is the gray blending session. This helps my guests embrace their "platinum wisdom highlights" and step away from the color. It is a huge decision and isn't for everyone; you have to be ready internally to embrace what your hair naturally wants to do. It is also a transition to go completely au natural and can take a few years given the length of your hair. Once you have made the decision to stop touching up your outgrowth, it is time for my trademarked blending service!

I dedicate anywhere from four to six hours to completely transform your hair color. Depending on how dark your hair is, and its overall integrity, it might take more than one appointment to get a close match. My goal is always to keep your hair as healthy as it can be. But every blending session will get you closer to your goal of being color free! A silver colored conditioner and mask are also a must to keep your hair blended while you go through your transition. 

One of my favorite transformations has been that of my guest, Krista. Last December, she decided it was time to embrace her natural color. Her hair is very long, and we had been touching up her outgrowth every 4 weeks, while adding hand painted highlights. I used my trademarked blending method to blend her previously colored hair with her wisdom highlights. Her hairs integrity was close to perfect which allowed us to achieve a very blended end look.

She recently came in for a color tune up to help continue her transition. I created a melt using toners that blended her natural gray with her blonde highlighted ends; she is getting married in a few weeks and wanted her ends to feel bright and not completely gray. Ten months in to her journey, she is still feeling beautiful and enjoying her hair.