The Healing Hairstylist is moving!


Today, I am announcing that I am leaving 22 Taylor and opening up my own one woman studio under the name The Healing Hairstylist. I have created an Instagram post but wanted to use this platform to dive a little deeper into the Who/What/Where/Why.

I want to start by saying that my time at 22 Taylor will be remembered forever. Valerie and I took such a huge leap of faith creating our own place to call home. We had no clue what we were doing, we just knew we wanted a brighter future for ourselves. Through the blood, sweat, laughter, and tears I've grown tremendously. I wouldn't be where I am today if anything had been different. I know that whatever Valerie and Cheyanne decide to do with 22 Taylor will be amazing and they will continue to thrive.

Through my growth at 22 Taylor I have learned, wholeheartedly, who I am and what my purpose is in this world. I have dreamt for a long time of having my own small studio space to be able to go deeper with all who sit in my chair. My goal is to hold major space for all, and being able to control the energy around me is going to make it that much easier. I also have passions within my business that aren't just doing hair. Doing readings, energetic healings, and guiding meditations are things that I love and I am thrilled to have a space to house those important aspects of who I am and what I want to offer to you.

My studio will be located at 1479 South Wells Avenue in a beautifully modern yet industrial brick building. I will be located in Suite 6 on the second floor. There is an entrance at the front of the building to take you directly to me! Behind the building is a parking lot with a beautiful mural. When the lot is full I have been able to find parking on the street.

Living in the neighborhood, I am in love with the Wells Avenue district. It's vibrant, eclectic, and full of hidden gems. Around me are delicious restaurants, cool retail shops, hip coffee shops, and even the Reno Little Theater! I highly recommend you check out some new places when you come to see me. I would be more than happy to give you a recommendation for something to check out! One of the best parts about my new location is the easy freeway access (from either the Wells or Plumb exits) and better yet- there is no construction!

I am beyond excited to start this new chapter in my life and cannot wait to welcome you all to the new space. I know the hair and memories we create there will be beautiful and priceless.

Lasty, I would like to thank everyone who supports me and my business. My heart is filled with gratitude, and when it comes to that I am at a loss for words. Thank you from the bottom of my soul. 💛💛💛

Why taking a break is so important.

Hey everyone! I wrote this post about a year ago when I got back from a pretty epic vacation. Given the current state of the world and being forced to take a break, I thought it was pretty important to share.

One thing that came up for me on this trip was why it is so hard to take a break. My first official day of vacation was spent at the beach in the Bahamas. As I lay under the sun I couldn't help but feel guilty and anxiety in the pit of my stomach. I was worried about what was going on back home, even though my bills were paid, someone was watching my apartment, and everyone knew I was on vacation and I was still reachable on my cell. I couldn't be in the present moment. 

I closed my eyes right there and went into a meditative state and pondered the feeling. This is what I got: 

People are like diamonds; we are multifaceted and have many different interests and passions. Although our job and career is a big part of our life, it is only one part of us. To be wholely ourselves we must explore the other parts, whatever they may be.

It can be too easy to slip into obsessiveness with your job or become a workaholic. When I look back on my life, I want to remember not only the connections I made with my clients, but the amazing experiences I had outside of work.  

When I look around at the most successful people in my life, whether they be clients, friends, or family, I see one common theme among them; they all take breaks! Having a busy practice doesn't tether them to home year-round, but instead gives them more motivation to leave the country for three weeks. Or if they don't physically take vacations they all take time to nurture their creativity through art at home. What good is pouring our energy into our careers if it leaves us empty for our families, play, and adventure?

This also plays into manifestation. Whatever we shout into the universe comes back to us. If we take that break or vacation, enjoy ourselves in the moment, and trust that things will be okay when we get home the universe will give us exactly that. If we approach the same situation with fearful thoughts and statements like, "I won't be able to recover from lost revenue," or "I will lose clients from not answering their texts or accommodating their schedule" the universe will take that and return it to us tenfold. A major key to manifestation is living like we already have our dream life! 

Releasing Energy

Something that has been at the front of my mind lately is releasing energy. We collect energy from people, things, and situations. Every interaction we have is an exchange of energy. When other energy is in our space for too long it can effect our moods and even manifest in disease and illness. This is even true when the energy we take on feels good, ultimately it is still not ours and not meant to be in our space.

The way we keep pushing forward in life is by releasing energy. It is important to work energy, release it from our space, and make room for more of our own current energy. There are a few ways to release energy, but that is not what I want to talk about today. I want to talk about how difficult it can sometimes be to release energy and why. 

When a big energy exchange happens, for example something traumatic, it really can shake us up. It can even change the way we see the world. It can ingrain us with certain programming that isn't positive and can lead to bad habits and addictions. While it may take a while to realize, certain situations and events change who we are.

It can take a long time to start releasing this energy. First we have to identify it, which if it was a traumatic event can be very hard to do. I personally have experienced and seen not wanting to look at energy that doesn't belong in your space; it can be much easier to bury it. It is only when we face it head on though that we can begin to work and release it.

Some things will be easy to release, some will be difficult. This varies by the event and you personally. Working energy can throw you into a growth period which definitely causes discomfort and growing pains. Unfortunately some energy can't be worked all at once either. In my classes at The Metaphysical Learning Center, they describe this as pealing an onion. You release some here, some there, until there is less and less to work. 

The good news though is that with the lows of discomfort, also come the highs of breaking free. Truly becoming who you are and not a product of the things that have happened to you. Your level of awareness and your energetic vibration will increase drastically. It can be a long process, but once you are on the other side you will be so glad you chose to mindfully work energy that doesn't serve you.

Meditation and Energy Work have given me tools to work energy that has just messed me up in the past. I am grateful to being closer to living my truth every single day. I hope you have enjoyed this spiritual rant!

Amalia, The Healing Hairstylist

Aura and Chakra Healing

Aura and Chakra Healing

One of my passions in life other than hair is doing aura and chakra healing. I started doing this in 2015, when I took my first energy healing class at the Metaphysical Learning Center. I think it is important to get aura and chakra healings regularly to keep your personal space clear from energy that isn't yours. Stuck energy in your space can lead to a feeling of discomfort and even disease and illness. 

When I give an aura and chakra healing, the recipient sits in a chair and I work in the space around them; moving energy out of their space and realigning their own energies. It is important during this time for the recipient to not cross their hands or legs and keep their eyes open. This can block vital energy, cut off spirit-to-spirit communication and hinder the healing. 

My favorite part about energy healing is that I have been able to incorporate it into my hair services. While I manipulate your hair during cutting, coloring, or styling, I am also able to adjust your energy leaving you feeling relaxed and refreshed. This is one part of the hair balancing method that I use.

The Metaphysical Learning Center has a healing clinic that is open to the public every Wednesday evening from 5:00-7:00 where I regularly do healings. Come in for a healing and clear your space! There is a suggested $5 donation. You can also check out their class schedule and become a healer yourself!

I also now offer at home energy healings! This is a chance to clear unwanted energy from your space and home while setting the energy how you want it. This can be especially beneficial if you feel like you have an unwanted spirit in your home.



Going Gray Gracefully

Going Gray Gracefully

Over the years, I have noticed that there is a huge stigma surrounding graying hair. We have been programmed by society to think gray or silver hair is not only a sign of aging, but also a lack of caring. Gray hair can be beautiful, chic, stylish, and modern! Like a snowflake, no two people have the same gray hair which makes it totally unique. 

One of the trademarked services I offer is the gray blending session. This helps my guests embrace their "platinum wisdom highlights" and step away from the color. It is a huge decision and isn't for everyone; you have to be ready internally to embrace what your hair naturally wants to do. It is also a transition to go completely au natural and can take a few years given the length of your hair. Once you have made the decision to stop touching up your outgrowth, it is time for my trademarked blending service!

I dedicate anywhere from four to six hours to completely transform your hair color. Depending on how dark your hair is, and its overall integrity, it might take more than one appointment to get a close match. My goal is always to keep your hair as healthy as it can be. But every blending session will get you closer to your goal of being color free! A silver colored conditioner and mask are also a must to keep your hair blended while you go through your transition. 

One of my favorite transformations has been that of my guest, Krista. Last December, she decided it was time to embrace her natural color. Her hair is very long, and we had been touching up her outgrowth every 4 weeks, while adding hand painted highlights. I used my trademarked blending method to blend her previously colored hair with her wisdom highlights. Her hairs integrity was close to perfect which allowed us to achieve a very blended end look.

She recently came in for a color tune up to help continue her transition. I created a melt using toners that blended her natural gray with her blonde highlighted ends; she is getting married in a few weeks and wanted her ends to feel bright and not completely gray. Ten months in to her journey, she is still feeling beautiful and enjoying her hair.